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Sandbox Evasion


* Sleep for a certain amounts of seconds.
private void Sleep(int seconds)
    Thread.Sleep(seconds * 1000);

Mouse is moving

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

// ...

static extern bool GetCursorPos(out Point lpPoint);

public Point GetMousePosition()
    GetCursorPos(out Point lpPoint);
    return lpPoint;

public struct Point
    public int X;
    public int Y;

* Exit the program if the position of the mouse has not changed in 30 seconds.
public void CheckMouseIsMoving()
    Point mousePosition = this.GetMousePosition();
    Point newMousePosition = this.GetMousePosition();

    if (mousePosition.X == newMousePosition.X &&
        mousePosition.Y == newMousePosition.Y) Environment.Exit(1337);

Numbers of CPUs

* Exit the program if the number of CPU is below or equals to 2.
public void CheckCPUCount()
    if (Environment.ProcessorCount <= 2) Environment.Exit(1337);

Presence of Debugger

using System.Diagnostics;

// ...

* Exit the program if a debugger is attached to the process.
public void CheckDebugger()
    if (Debugger.IsAttached) Environment.Exit(1337);


*  Exit the program if the uptime is less than 15 minutes.
public void CheckUptime()
    int uptime = (Environment.TickCount & Int32.MaxValue) / 1000;
    if (uptime / 60 < 15) Environment.Exit(1337);