Unicorn is a lightweight multi-platform, multi-architecture CPU emulator framework.
Challenge from BreizhCTF 2024 - New world 2 (misc) by Itarow.
The goal was to implements the following syscalls:
Custom mmap - number 31337
Create a memory area at the address 0x13370000
with a size of 0x10000
md5sum - number 31338
Compute the MD5 digest of a memory area.
- rdi - memory area on which the digest is computed
- rsi - destination area for the digest
- rbx - length to digest
sha1sum - number 31339
Compute the SHA1 digest of a memory area.
- rdi - memory area on which the digest is computed
- rsi - destination area for the digest
- rbx - length to digest
sha256sum - number 31340
Compute the SHA256 digest of a memory area.
- rdi - memory area on which the digest is computed
- rsi - destination area for the digest
- rbx - length to digest
Modified write - number 31341
Perform an output display with encoding based on an index passed as a parameter.
- rdi - area to display
- rsi - length of the area taken into account for display (before encoding)
- rbx - index for encoding
- 1: base64
- 2: base32
- 3: base16
- 4: base85
Python Script
import base64
import hashlib
from Hellf import ELF
from unicorn import *
from unicorn.x86_const import *
elf = ELF("./elf.bin")
SHELLCODE = elf.get_section_by_name(".shellcode").data
BASE = 0x4001000
X86_CODE64_SYSCALL = b'\x0f\x05' # SYSCALL
# Initialize emulator in X86-64bit mode
mu = Uc(UC_ARCH_X86, UC_MODE_64)
# Map & write the code at base address
mu.mem_map(BASE, 1024 * 1024)
mu.mem_write(BASE, SHELLCODE)
mu.reg_write(UC_X86_REG_RIP, BASE)
def syscall_allocate_mem(mu):
mu.mem_map(0x13370000, 0x10000)
def syscall_exit(mu):
print("=> Exit")
def syscall_base(mu, rdi, rsi, rbx):
data = mu.mem_read(rdi, rsi)
base_funcs = {
1: base64.b64encode,
2: base64.b32encode,
3: base64.b16encode,
4: base64.b85encode
res = base_funcs[rbx](data).decode()
print("=> Base:", res)
def syscall_hash(mu, hash_func, rdi, rsi, rbx):
data = mu.mem_read(rdi, rbx)
res = hash_func(data).digest()
print("=> Hash:", res.hex())
mu.mem_write(rsi, res)
def hook_code(mu, address, size, user_data):
opcode = mu.mem_read(address, size)
if opcode == X86_CODE64_SYSCALL:
syscall = mu.reg_read(UC_X86_REG_EAX)
rdi = mu.reg_read(UC_X86_REG_RDI)
rsi = mu.reg_read(UC_X86_REG_RSI)
rbx = mu.reg_read(UC_X86_REG_RBX)
print(f"[0x{address:x}] Syscall: {syscall} (rdi: {rdi} rsi: {rsi} rbx: {rbx})")
match syscall:
case 31337:
case 31338:
syscall_hash(mu, hashlib.md5, rdi, rsi, rbx)
case 31339:
syscall_hash(mu, hashlib.sha1, rdi, rsi, rbx)
case 31340:
syscall_hash(mu, hashlib.sha256, rdi, rsi, rbx)
case 31341:
syscall_base(mu, rdi, rsi, rbx)
case 60:
case _:
raise NotImplementedError(f"Syscall {syscall} not implemented")
mu.hook_add(UC_HOOK_CODE, hook_code)
mu.emu_start(BASE, BASE + len(SHELLCODE))
$ python3 emulation.py
[0x4001725] Syscall: 31340 (rdi: 322371584 rsi: 322392292 rbx: 4)
=> Hash: 7673d1c5b102f0f77df43309d94c59a3fadaca301238297efe6b850491130d12
[0x4001732] Syscall: 31339 (rdi: 322371584 rsi: 322392296 rbx: 4)
=> Hash: dca2e65c9dd98fbf08b969ee05158b563d73c806
[0x400173f] Syscall: 31338 (rdi: 322371584 rsi: 322392300 rbx: 4)
=> Hash: aaafc7b0a4ea52e791cf29404891293b
[0x400174c] Syscall: 31339 (rdi: 322371584 rsi: 322392304 rbx: 4)
=> Hash: dca2e65c9dd98fbf08b969ee05158b563d73c806
[0x400176e] Syscall: 31341 (rdi: 322392064 rsi: 1024 rbx: 1)
=> Base: 3KLmXKqvx7DcouZc...
[0x4001777] Syscall: 60 (rdi: 322392064 rsi: 1024 rbx: 1)
=> Exit